As soon as complexity grows our code becomes larger, in this session we will see how to manage large codebases by breaking code part in several functions, packages and files.
Scope of a variable
From our past posts we know what is a variable and its properties. Know we are going to learn a new property of variables and other programmatic entities, the scope.
“The scope of a name binding1[…], such as a variable – is the region of a computer program where the binding is valid: where the name can be used to refer to the entity. Such a region is referred to as a scope block.” 2
It is important to note that out of that scope region the symbolic name could refer to other entities or nothing at all. To better understand this concept I will show a few examples. These blocks of code will demonstrate the concept of scope from the point of view of a variable.
package main
import (
// This variable has a scope of all the main package
var worksEverywhereInThePackage = "global scope"
func main() {
var existsOnlyInMain = "function scope"
fmt.Println(worksEverywhereInThePackage) // The variable still exists here
fmt.Println(existsOnlyInMain) // Exists here but not in other functions
if worksOnlyWithinIf := "local scope"; true {
// worksOnlyWithinIf --> Can't use this variable here because its out of its scope
// Pi is a variable defined in another package (the math package).
// I can use it within the main package because I imported it.
// and need to specifiy its package to be able to call it.
// existsOnlyInOtherFunction -> Can't use this variable here because its out of its scope
func otherFunction() {
var existsOnlyInOtherFunction = "function scope"
fmt.Println(worksEverywhereInThePackage) // The variable still exists here
fmt.Println(existsOnlyInOtherFunction) // The variable still exists here
// existsOnlyInMain --> Can't use this variable here because this is not its scope
Functions are “self contained” modules of code that accomplish a specific task. Functions usually “take in” data, process it, and “return” a result. Once a function is written, it can be used over and over and over again. Functions can be “called” from the inside of other functions. 3
Take a look at this example:
package main
import (
func main() {
var num1, num2 int = 15, 17
msg := "The sum of %d and %d is: %d\n"
fmt.Printf(msg, num1, num2, add(num1, num2))
fmt.Printf(msg, 4, 5, add(4, 5))
func add(a, b int) int {
return a + b
// Result:
// The sum of 15 and 17 is: 32
// The sum of 4 and 5 is: 9
Notice the definition of a function called add that takes two numbers and returns the sum of those two. Also notice the main function, which is the entry point for Go lang programs. In pseudo-code, these are the parts of a function:
func symbolicName(parameter1 type1, parameter2 type2) returnType1 {
// All the statements that you want
// the function to execute
// go here
But why do we need to use functions? Well it provides several benefits, to name a few:
- Re-usability: A function can be called multiple times. So it allows to reuse code instead of having to re-write it multiple times.
- Organization: Code gets broken apart in clear “substeps” that allows us to better understand how a problem is solved.
- Readability: Instead of having to understand hundreds of lines of code at the same time, functions allow us to digest the code in smaller, fun-sized modules.
- Testability: Functions allow us to better test our code and its sub routines.
If you take a look at past posts you’ll see that we have been working in a function all along! The main function. From now on we will divide our code in separate functions when needed to make it more understandable.
Parameters and return values
By now you have noticed that functions, many times, need to receive some data to process it and after doing all the magic, the function spits out a result. This information that goes in and out are called parameter/arguments and return values.
parameters--> | function | --> return values
go in ------------ come out
Go in particular accepts multiple arguments and multiple return values. This means we can define a function with zero or more parameters and/or zero or more return values.
Syntax in Go
Here you can see a few function with different number of arguments and returns:
func functionA() {
// zero parameters,
// zero return values
func functionB(num int) int {
// One argument (type int)
// one return value (type int)
return 15
func functionC(num1 int, msg string) (string, bool) {
// Two parameters (1 int and 1 string)
// Two return values (1 string and 1 bool)
return "", true
Notice a few syntactic rules of Go:
- To declare/define a function you use the reserved word
. - You have to give it a symbolic name (e.g.:
). - The parameters that the function receives are defined within parenthesis (
) and you have to specify their name and type (e.g. infunctionC
the second parameter is calledmsg
and has a typestring
). - The return values of the function have to be defined after the list of parameters. Similarly to parameters, you have to specify its type, and optionally its name.
- If you are going to define more than one return value, the list must be enclosed in parenthesis(
). - All the defined parameters are available within the body of the function as normal variables, which you can use at will.
- To signal the function which value(s) it has to spit out you use the reserved word
(e.g.: infunctionB
wereturn 15
it can also be a variable or expression).
The isPrime
To help fix this new information in our heads, we are going to re-work one of the examples of a previous post using a helper function. We are going to redo the Prime Number example of the previous post.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var num2Check int = 15485863
var msg = "is NOT prime"
if isPrime(num2Check) {
msg = "is prime"
fmt.Printf("The number %d %s.", num2Check, msg)
func isPrime(num int) bool {
for i := 2; i <= num/2; i++ {
if num%i == 0 {
return false
return true
We separated the part that checks whether a number is prime or not in a separate function. This helps to make the
program more understandable (easier to read) and this way we could reuse the isPrime
function to check more numbers
without having to re-write the algorithm every time.
Note line 9, we are calling the isPrime
function passing it the number 15485863
which is contained in the variable
. At the same time we are using the return value of the function to evaluate an if
condition. In this
particular example the isPrime
function returns a boolean, it takes the value of true
when the passed number is a
prime ,and false
when the passed argument is not prime.
We can take the concept of separating code in cohesive units even further. Instead of just separating it into function, we can group several functions and types, that have similar concern/responsibilities, in separate packages.
In a bigger program we could have a package responsible of grouping all things related to communication with the user, another package containing all operations regarding external services, other package that manages all code related to business logic, and so forth.
Formally speaking, each programming language has a different definition for a package, and in many cases a different name altogether. For example, in PHP we use namespaces not packages. However, from a pragmatic point of view, they both serve the same purpose: grouping code that has a similar concern or unifying purpose4 while separating other code that doesn’t belong.
But why do we need to even care about keeping together code that has the same logic concern and separate it from other packages of code that have another concern? Well, there are a multitude of benefits that come from a well organized code5, but to mention just a few:
- reduced complexity: Code is easier to understand within functions and packages. Because code has a single responsibility and is broken in digestible/small blocks, we can easily comprehend what it does.
- easier to maintain: The point of separating code into packages is to make them depend less between each other. So changes made in one package are likely not going to affect greatly other packages (if well applied to practice).
- more re-usability: Functions/packages can be imported into other places an its functionality becomes available to other parts of the code without having to repeat code.
Working with packages in Go
Every Go program is made up of packages. Programs start running in package main6. To create new packages you have to create new folders with new go files in them, easy as that. Take a look at the following directory structure:
├── main.go
└── say
└── hello.go
1 directory, 2 files
The main.go
file is part of the main
package and the hello.go
file has the io
package. By convention the name of
the package is the last part of the path to the file. So for example if the path to a file is path/to/the/packaged/file.go
then the file.go
file will have the package packaged
(which is the name of the folder containing the file).
Scope when working with packages
Now lets take a deeper look at each of the files7:
// main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
// hello.go
package say
import (
func Hello() {
func ANumber() {
func anything(msg interface{}) {
Now notice lines 11 and 12 in the main.go file. Those lines call functions that don’t exist in the main
package. We
defined those functions in the say
package (in the hello.go file). But we are importing the say
package in the
main.go file in line 7, so we can call exported functions from the say
package by prefixing its name with the
package, like so: say.Hello()
If we try to call from the main
package a function of other package without importing it, it will throw an error.
Likewise, we cannot refer to unexported names from other packages. In our example the anything
function is
unexported, so if we try to call it say.anything("hey")
the compiler will through an error.
But, how to distinguish which functions are public/exported and which ones are private/unexported? In Go it is easy
to know: if a variable, constant, function, etc. has a name that begins with an uppercase letter then that entity is
exported, otherwise, if the name starts with a lowercase letter it will be unexported8. And that is how you
know that the say.ANumber()
function can be called from outside the package, but the anything()
function can only be
called from within the package (see hello.go line 13 or 18).
Go built-in packages
Nevertheless, there are some packages we are importing that we didn’t define. If you check carefully the hello.go file
you’ll see (in lines 7-9) that we are importing fmt
, math/rand
and time
but we did not define those anywhere.
That’s because all those are Go built-in packages.
The designers of the language knew that there are many pieces of code that are used very frequently. So they included, within the language, an assortment of packages with those utility functions. There are tons of functions to print to screen, read from the terminal, parse strings, manipulate time, convert numbers among a multitude of others.
The purpose of these collection of built-in packages is to make our lives as programmers easier. Instead of spending most of our time trying to build functions to do this menial tasks, we get to focus on solving our problems piggybacking on all these functions that the creators, and maintainers, of the language kindly gave to us.
Some (very) useful pkgs
Because there are so many packages and functions I cannot mention all of them here, but will include a small list of a few of the most used ones with link to their documentation, where you can find a comprehensive list of all the functions these packages provide.
If you want to search for another Go package that is not mentioned here you can go to the website and search for any package by typing its name in the search bar in the top right corner.
- builtin: You don’t need to import this package. It is always present in all our programs.
- fmt: Implements formatted input/output with functions analogous to C’s printf and scanf.
- strconv: Implements conversions to and from string representations of basic data types.
- strings: Implements simple functions to manipulate strings.
- math: Provides basic constants and mathematical functions.
- sort: Provides primitives for sorting slices and user-defined collections9.
Exercise: Trying out packages
To use all of our acquired knowledge about modularity and to refresh our memories about the past posts. We are going to implement a program that uses all the tools we have at our disposal.
To solve the following problem you will need to install Go locally in your computer (this will not work on the go playground online). To do so go to Golang Downloads and follow the instructions for your operating system.
You can download a template here10 for the
exercise that you can put in your $GOPATH/src
folder and complete
with the code required to make it work as expected.
Our program will do the following:
- It will iterate (loop) from -1 to 100 inclusive.
- For each of those numbers it will apply the following checks:
- Get reciprocal number.
- Say if it is even (parity).
- Say if it is prime.
- If the number is prime it will further check:
- If it has a twin prime
- If it has a cousin prime
- If it is not prime it will further get:
- one of its prime factors.
- For each of the checks mentioned above, the program will print a small message saying if the number is or not, has or doesn’t have the check.
For example, for number 5 the output will be something like:
The reciprocal of 5 is 0.200000 because 5.00 * 0.200000 = 1.00
The number 5 is NOT even
The number 5 IS prime
The number 5 has a twin: 7
The number 5 has no cousins
Another example, for number 15:
The reciprocal of 15 is 0.066667 because 15.00 * 0.066667 = 1.00
The number 15 is NOT even
The number 15 IS NOT prime
The number 15 is divisible by 3
Important NOTE: We are going to work only with positive integers11. If the main function receives other
type of integer it should show a message like We require positive integers to work
and omit that number from the
After solving the exercise by yourself, you can take a look at my solution, which can be downloaded from here.
Further Reading
Functions. Syntax and short explanation of functions (1). A Tour of Go: Packages
Functions. Syntax and short explanation of functions (2). A Tour of Go: Packages
Functions/Return values. Syntax and short explanation of return values (1). A Tour of Go: Packages
Functions/Return values. Syntax and short explanation of return values (2). A Tour of Go: Packages
Packages. Quick explanation of packages. A Tour of Go: Packages
Packages. Short description of import paths. A Tour of Go: Imports
Packages/Scope. Quick explanation of exported names when working with packages. A Tour of Go: Exported names
Cohesion/Coupling. Cohesion and coupling are two, very important concepts in software engineering. Taken from Wikipedia: Cohesion. Taken from StackExchange: Coupling.
Footnotes and References
Name binding refers to an association of a symbolic name to an entity, such as a variable, function, interface, etc. ↩
Wikipedia. Scope (computer science). URL. Accessed: 2019-06-28. ↩
H. James de St. Germain. Functions. University of Utah. URL. Last Updated: Fall 2009. Accessed: 2019-06-28. ↩
Wikipedia. Cohesion (computer science). URL. Accessed: 2019-07-03. ↩
On a more general note, there are two software engineering concepts that are relevant here: cohesion and coupling. For a proper explanation of this two ideas read the further reading point titled Cohesion/Coupling. ↩
You can download the files from here to test them locally in your computer. Remember to put the files inside your
folder. ↩ -
We’ll see what exactly is a collection and how to work with them in the next post. ↩
The file has a
extension, this is a compressed file much like zip files. To decompress it you need to use thetar zxvf fileHere.tar.gz
command, or use a decompressing program that does the magic for you: windows ↩ -
Positive integers are all integer numbers that are greater than or equal to 1. More info here. ↩